Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Section Eight ~ Gin – The Master Mixer

Part Two: Delineating The Delights And Distinction Of Spirits, Wine And Beer

Section Eight ~ Gin – The Master Mixer

I keep hearing about this gin resurrection that is happening. This is likely due to the popularity of Mad Men. To me, gin is the alcohol. Of all the hard stuff, this is the one I am sweetest on. It goes without saying, as my favourite cocktail is the Gibson.

Who do we have to thank for this heavenly elixir? A Dutch professor of medicine by the name of Franz de le BoĆ«…or, to his closest, “Sylvius”.

Sylvius took pure lab alcohol distilled it with juniper oil and intended to use it as a blood cleanser. And it did just that. Only, the patrons of his 17th Century medicine noticed this drink didn’t have the usual “I just swallowed and threw up a comet” affect on their throat. In fact, it was quite enjoyable…and, um, intoxicating. And from this, a wave of gin appreciation happened, even through the dreaded bathtub gin days of Prohibition, and continues.

Aside from a history lesson, Mario offers no suggestion about what brands of gin to stock our bars with, or how much. I think his point is, we should just have it, and lots of it. It is the alcohol.